First WOW: Workout of the Week

As parents and people, we are all busy.  We try our hardest to make our health and fitness a top priority, but let’s face it together: although we all have good intentions our workout sometimes gets moved down the priority list and sometimes taken off in general.  Don’t feel guilty, it has happened to us all.

When I became a mom for the first time, I was trying so hard to get in shape after having Claire.  Each week, I would write out my fitness plans and they would never go as planned.  Claire’s nursing time would change, she’d sleep longer than expected, she would cluster feed, etc.  There always seemed to be something that would throw a wrench in my best laid workout plans.

Finally, I decided that in order to reach my fitness goals, I needed to have a backup plan.  No matter what they day held, I needed to sweat- for my physical and mental health.  Some days getting to my local YMCA or going for a run was not in the cards, but sweating HAD to be.  I began to write at-home circuit workouts that could be done while  Claire napped, was in her swing or in that short 20 minutes of time where she was content playing on her blanket.

I would like to encourage you each week and each day to MOVE, SWEAT, and INCREASE YOUR HEART RATE.  Often times we think that if we can’t get in a full hour long workout session at the gym than why waste the time…. something is better than nothing, fit friends!

On Wednesdays, we will post a “WOW” (Workout Of the WEEK).  This workout can be used in many different ways; for all fitness levels and most importantly, can be done ANYWHERE.  Now you have NO EXCUSES!

Here are some ways to use the WOWs:
1. On those busy, hectic, “I can’t get in a full hour” days, get up 20-30 minutes early and knock this out.
2. Before you tackle your “to-do list” during nap time, take this time to focus on yourself and complete the WOW.
3. If you are new to fitness, and the number of rounds stated is too much, try one round or split the rounds up at different times of the day.  Or even lessen the number of reps… JUST MOVE!
4. Throw on some gym shoes and do it at your lunch break.  No one really cares if you go to your post-lunch meeting with a little sweat.
5. Complete this more than once in a week and try to improve your time, number or reps or increase your intensity.


Inchworm Combo #1: walk out plank, two push-ups, walk plank in, 4 squats at top
Inchworm Combo #2: walk out plank, two plank jacks, walk in plank, 4 power lunges on top.
Cross-Jack Punches: Legs scissor alternating which foot is in front, instead of hands going up like a jack, punch with the same arm as the foot on top.

Still need clarification?  Check out the youtube video here.

August 6 blog picture


Tonight, I completed three rounds of the WOW in 23:11.  It is surely tough doing those inchworm combos at 35 weeks & 4 days pregnant, but I got it done.  I had a little helper as well.  As soon as she saw that I was working out in the living room she wanted her “fast” shoes on to do the workout with me.  Following the WOW, I went for a 40 minute walk/ run.  There is more walking than running.

What do you do you do when  you know you aren’t going to get your planned workout in for the day?
Will you complete the WOW with us at some point this week?  Post your results below.  

2 thoughts on “First WOW: Workout of the Week

  1. Lydia Blaising

    Thanks for this motivation, as I have fed three children breakfast, cleaned/picked up a little, and did some laundry I sat back down for my second cup of coffee. (Now I don’t want to get back up)
    So stupid, at 22 weeks pregnant motivation to workout is slimming…but today I read this got up and did it! Thanks girls!!! Have a good day!


    • musclesandmunchkins

      Great job, Lydia! Thank you for sharing. Keep it up! We will keep sharing WOWs– as long as people like you do them. Enjoy your day.



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