At 39 weeks and 2 days pregnant I think I can finally say, “we are ready!” Now, our readiness probably looks a lot different than that of most. My husband and I are both Type A personalities and like to take control, but when it comes to preparing for our babies, it is probably the one thing in our lives where we are super laid back. We get the necessities done and at the very last minute and that is about it.
We have taken his approach to all three babies and it has worked out just fine. For C, since she was our first, we definitely did a few unnecessary things like decorate a nursery and I packed too much stuff in my hospital bag, but other than that this is the approach we have taken.
For us, our priorities are more in doing things we know we won’t be able to do for a few weeks after the baby comes. This past weekend we took our last trip to visit my family: we spent countless hours by my mom’s pool, grilled out and even got some time in at the lake. Last weekend we got in our last date night, but are hoping just maybe we will sneak in one more this weekend. We’ve tried to spend as much time with the two big kids (really, I am saying MD is my big kid?!?) as possible.
How we prepare for a baby!
Yes, we are laid back, but there are somethings we know we have to get done before the baby gets home and we have done those. Our list for preparing for our third munchkin might make you laugh. If you are really organized, it might make you sweat a little bit. This is what works for us and I feel like we are officially prepared and ready for this sweet munchkin to make his or her arrival whenever he or she is ready. (Hopefully sooner than later because Mommy feels ready!)
1. Diapers, food and a place to sleep for baby
Yep, we have diapers. I have boobs. The pack-in-play with the bassinet top and bouncy chair are both setup in our room. Those are the necessities, right?
2. Car seat is installed
At exactly 39 weeks we installed the car seat and got my van detailed and ready to bring the baby home. We also went ahead and cleaned the carseats for the other two. That feels really awesome!
3. Hospital Bag packed
Yep, 39 weeks and I just now have my hospital bag packed and there is nothing fancy in there. Here is what I have packed in my hospital bag:
- Robe
- 2 nursing tanks
- 1 nursing night gown
- 1 pair of sleep shorts
- 1 pair of pants to wear home
- Open cardigan (hospitals are always cold)
- Flip Flops
- Toiletries
- Makeup & Straightener (with the other two I felt like I needed to do my hair and throw on a little mascara and it mad me feel much better.)
- A going home outfit for a boy or girl. Nothing fancy here, just a sleeper.
- Camera
- Nursing pillow
4. Meals are prepped
I know this is not a necessity for everyone, but for our family this is one of the most important things for us is making sure we have easily accessible and healthy food ready for all of us when I get home from the hospital. This makes me feel better, makes meal time with the kids easier, and saves on our pocketbook. I have 20 dinners in the freezer, quick breakfasts and some lunch staples.
5. Clothes are washed
I have washed a few outfits and onesies for both boy or a girl. I have only gotten down the newborn clothes for both boy and girl so far. Once I know the gender, I will wash the 3 month clothes and start to purge all the clothes of the other gender
With that being said, I know some are thinking, “So, you don’t have a nursery?” Well we do… kinda. It has a crib in there for when Baby SK is ready to make that transition. There is a dresser in there too and the clothes will be moved there once we know the gender, but that is all. The baby won’t be in there for a couple of months and I have never had a completed newborn nursery. Just our choice. At some point I might paing the walls (depending on the gender) and add some decor, but who knows if I will get to it. MD is almost two and is just getting his room decorated!
At 39 weeks and 1 day I have a place for the baby to sleep, we have a way for the baby to be nourished and diapers for when he or she needs to be changed. I have a car seat and installed and the necessities in a hospital bag. The baby will be clothed once he or she comes home and we will all be fed well. For us, this is what works- we are ready! Now the waiting game really begins…
Your turn- tell me!
What is the one thing you have to have done before baby?
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